
We at idemus

At idemus, we work by a very simple motto: “No problem!” We have much more fun looking for solutions than for problems.

Idemus solutions GmbH is a young company. We don’t have big, fancy offices because we prefer to work everywhere – a lot at customers’ sites all over Germany, now and then together at the small company headquarters in Schwabach, Franconia, at home offices or on the road. We love our work, but we also enjoy life.

For our customers, we make SAP authorizations child’s play and uncomplicated. With more than 20 years of experience in SAP consulting, we know exactly what user and role administration must look like in order to be both efficient and convenient. We know how important a well thought-out, legally watertight authorization concept is – and how to develop and implement it. And we also know that time is money – which is why we develop solutions that guide your employees through all authorization processes in an intuitive and relaxed manner.

A special feature that only idemus offers in this way: We dovetail SAP experience with legal expertise. As a fully qualified lawyer, our managing director looks at authorizations and their design from a broader perspective. This is an invaluable advantage for our customers, especially when it comes to preparing revisions and setting up new authorization concepts. Our technical know-how ensures lean, fast and convenient authorizations. Our legal expertise also ensures that your company does not leave any room for attack when it comes to compliance, data protection and data security in the authorization environment.

What you can expect

  • 20 years of authorization experience ensure that we usually recognize very quickly where the shoe pinches – and have a solution ready. Not always immediately, but always in such a way that you are really satisfied in the end.
  • We adjust to each customer anew. So that you get the advice and support you need from us.
  • We like what we do – and we bring this positive mood with us when it comes to your order. Even when things get complicated or lengthy.

What you can NOT expect

  • “This-has-always-been-done-this-way” and “this-has-never-been-done-this-way” type of work. We are allergic to that.
  • One-fits-all solutions. We believe that different companies need different solutions – especially in the details.
  • Bloated consultant scenarios. We don’t bring in 20 consultants (and consequently don’t get paid for them), but only the expert(s) you really need. And: We do not hold a single meeting more than necessary.

SAP has been constantly developing its systems for more than 40 years. Of course, this also affects the authorization processes. And yet we are sure that it can always be done a little faster, better and more conveniently. And if there are no solutions that can do that, then we develop them ourselves. Sometimes it’s just a faster workaround for common processes. Sometimes it’s concepts that are not only reviewed by IT experts at idemus, but also developed in sparring with our lawyer.

In the search for suitable solutions, we benefit from advising customers from a wide range of industries. Industry, fashion, public administration or media – every industry and every company faces its own unique challenges. However, some difficulties crop up again and again, especially in the authorization environment. By combining opposites and commonalities, we find the starting point for innovative ideas for one field in intelligent solutions in a completely different industry.

Get to know us!